Top 10 gardening jobs for May are:-
-Prune spring flowering shrubs, such as forsythia, after flowering to keep them compact;
-Plant out dahlia tubers and cannas after all risk of frost has passed;
-Tie in the new shoots of climbing plants, including clematis, wisteria and honeysuckle, to their supports;
-Continue sowing annuals, such as California poppies, into gaps in borders for colour from August into autumn;
-Harden off tender plants before planting them out on 1st June (put them out during the day and take them into a frost free place at night);
-Hoe weeds in vegetable beds and garden borders regularly to stop them getting established;
-Mow lawns weekly;
-Deadhead daffodils and allow foliage to die down naturally;
-Collect rainwater for garden irrigation later in the summer;
-Scoop out pondweed, blanket weed and algae from ponds and water features.