Learn to Garden

Want to learn more about gardening?

We offer classes for children and adult novice gardeners.


Gardening4Kids offers monthly classes for pre-schoolers and primary schoolers in Aberdeen.

Check out our website – gardening4kids.org.uk

Visit the Gardening4Kids website to find out more:


We are super excited to announce our Gardening4GrownUps workshops with Ben Reid Garden Centre and Gerbera Designs (Garden Design) will be back in 2020! We have been listening to parents and carers who have been coming along to our Gardening4Kids classes and this is what they have been asking for – more basic gardening for adults.

Check out our website – Gardening4Grownups

Find out more & book the next workshop:

Get Started

Book a consultation

Want to find out more & discuss your dream outdoor space?

I offer consultations in Aberdeen City and Shire, just fill out the form and I will get back in touch with you soon.
Front Garden Aberdeen City