Services & Design Process

I provide a range of garden design services to help you achieve your dream garden or outdoor space. Working with individuals or contractors, I tailor my services to suit the needs of the project.

Services Overview

Find out how I work with you to achieve your dream outdoor space.

I’ve broken my garden design process into steps and explained all of my services.


Onsite design consultation

This includes an initial consultation and site visit to your garden in the Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire area.

I will view your garden with you in order to establish your requirements. Together we can discuss and develop ideas for your outside space ensuring that they are tailored to your needs and meet your budget. In addition this is a chance for you to meet me before we progress any ideas into an Outline Garden Design.

Garden Design Consultation Report

I can also visit your garden to discuss with you how your garden can be developed in the future to get the best use of the space. This could include design and/or planting suggestions, how to enhance a border, garden maintenance and pruning advice. A written report of suggestions and recommendations to enhance your space will be provided.

Prices start at £150 for a 2 hour consultation plus written report. 


Outline Garden Design

A full garden design package starts from £2,500 depending on size, scale and complexity and can vary according to specific requirements for your garden design project.  This includes garden survey, concept designs, outline plan and 3D views, technical specification, construction drawings and planting plan. 

This will be detailed enough to enable a landscaper to build your garden from scratch.  

Fees will be agreed in writing after the Onsite Design Consultation and before commencing the design survey.

Selling your property - tidy lawn

Planning stages

Structural plan
You may require more detailed structural drawings of particular garden features for construction or planning requirements. I can provide these as an additional drawing to the Outline Garden Design (typical fee £300-£500).

Planting plan
I can provide you with a numbered planting plan with relevant planting information for your garden design. Planting plans start at £700 depending on the size and scale of your project.  This includes a detailed maintenance plan for the first year from Shoot Gardening. 


Layout & creation

Plant selection
I can choose, arrange delivery and layout the plants in your garden.  Prices start at £500 depending on the size and scale of your project. 

Planting beds
I can plant the plants for you in your garden. Typical rate would be £30 per hour.

Contract tendering and site visits (during build)
I can help you with putting the build work out to tender with local contractors. I can also return to site during the building of your new garden to provide advise from aesthetic point of view.  I charge £30 per hour for these services. 


Aftercare services

Maintenance service

I provide an after care and maintenance service for all gardens which I design. Various packages are available. The maintenance service would be provided at a typical rate of £30 per hour. This would include weeding, pruning, lifting and dividing of plants and replanting and providing advice. I can also do one-off spring and autumn garden tidy ups. 

Get inspired & see examples of garden designs:

Step by Step Process

Find out how I work with you to achieve your dream space.

I’ve broken down the garden design process into steps to make it easier to understand and not so scary.

1. Onsite design consultation

During this visit I will provide you with an overview of the design and maintenance services I offer. There is also an opportunity to view my portfolio. I will look at your garden and discuss your requirements. Fees will be agreed either within a week via a written quote to you sent via email or post. Once these have been agreed I will send you a design questionnaire to complete.

2. Site Survey and Analysis

I will also carry out a detailed Site Survey and Analysis of the garden, which will include such things as its size and shape, soil make-up and existing characteristics of the garden. This will then enable me to draw up a scale plan of the site.

3. Concept design

At this stage of the design I will undertake research to investigate design solutions for you. I will produce mood boards online and share them with you. This phase will also involve drawing rough sketches looking at the different options for arranging features in your garden. These sketches will also take into account your style requirements i.e. symmetrical layout versus flowing, curved lines.

4. Outline garden design

Here a colour bird’s eye view 2D plan is drawn up to scale with annotations of your garden design. Your detailed outline garden design is an accurate plan with detailed measurements. It will be detailed enough to enable a builder or landscaper to create your garden from scratch. This drawing contains details of the hard landscaping materials and general planting themes.

At this point you may wish to commission other services to assist you with the visualisation and realisation of your design.

3D drawings

Coloured drawings which will show how the garden will look as it matures. These can include cross-sections, perspectives and axonometric drawings. Structural plans – black and white detailed structural drawings of particular garden features for construction or planning requirements.

Structural plans

Black and white detailed structural drawings of particular garden features for construction or planning requirements.

Planting plan

A black and white numbered plan listing position and spacing of plants in the new design. The plants chosen will compliment the new layout, match your maintenance requirements and suit the growing conditions found within the site.

5. Constructing and planting the garden

At this stage the construction and planting of the garden begins. I work with local landscapers and special trades people to realise the construction of your new garden. I also contact local plant nurseries to find suitable plants for your dream garden. Services offered at this stage are:

Planting beds

This would include planting the plants for you in your garden.

Plant selection

This would include choosing, arranging delivery and laying out the plants in your garden.

Project monitoring

This would include finding and managing landscaping and building contractors, sourcing materials and project monitoring the building of your new garden.

6. Maintaining your garden

This stage will involve the maintenance your newly built garden so that it is kept in peak condition.

Maintenance service will include weeding, pruning, lifting and dividing of plants and replanting and providing advice.

7. Sit back and relax and enjoy your garden!

Get Started

Book a consultation

Want to find out more & discuss your dream outdoor space?

I offer consultations in Aberdeen City and Shire, just fill out the form and I will get back in touch with you soon.
Front Garden Aberdeen City