February’s plant of the month is the humble Snowdrop. Snowdrop or Galanthus are dwarf bulbous perennials with linear or strap-shaped leaves, and solitary, often honey-scented, nodding flowers with 3 white outer tepals and 3 smaller inner ones often marked with green. They grow to approximately 20cm in height, with broad, grey-bloomed, dark green pleated leaves and solitary white flowers. They are hardy and prefer most garden aspects except north facing. They liked an exposed or sheltered position with moist but well drained soil. They can be divided after flowering and replanted. This is called ‘planting in the green.’
Don’t forget to check out the Scottish Snowdrop Festival 2023 on Scottish Snowdrop Festival 2023: snowdrops signal spring (visitscotland.com) and The Snowdrop Festival – Discover Scottish Gardens this month.