A question which I am often asked at my consultations is ‘what can I grow in my garden in North East Scotland which will look good all year round?’ Many people would like to emulate the show gardens at Chelsea Flower Show (wouldn’t we all?!) but many plants featured there will not survive a winter outdoors in North East Scotland or off any form of winter structure.
Here are my top 5 plants which will survive a winter in North East Scotland and look good in winter:-
Corylus colurna – a symmetrical, architectural tree with corky bark corrugations. Foliage is attractive, nuts are edible and beautiful yellow catkins.
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’ – a deciduous shrub with an open habit with large leaves which turn red and yellow in autumn. Bronze-red flowers in winter. Beautiful winter fragrance.
Ilex x meserveae ‘Blue Princess’ – a spreading, evergreen shrub with spiny, dark blue-green leaves and red berries.
Betulis utilis var. jacquemontii ‘Doorenbos’ – a deciduous tree with white trunk and branches. The bark is orange when it first peels.
Viburnum farreri – fragrant, white flowers are produced from pink buds followed by coppery leaves in spring.
The Royal Horticultural Society has also produced it top ten list of plants for winter structure which have been awarded it’s Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
If you are looking for planting design advice for your garden please contact us.
Gerbera Designs is a pre-registered member of the Society of Garden Designers and a Garden Designer member of the Association of Professional Landscapers.
Get in touch with us at info@gerberadesigns.co.uk to organise a FREE consultation in Aberdeen City and Shire to start creating your dream outdoor space.