October’s plant of the month
October’s plant of the month is the autumn flowering crocus or Crocus speciosus. This is a small deciduous perennial which grows from a corm. Also known as ‘Naked Ladies’ it has linear leaves usually with a silvery central stripe, and goblet-shaped, sometimes fragrant flowers which appear in autumn. Crocus speciosus has silvery lilac-blue flowers in […]
What to do in your garden in October
Here are a few jobs to keep on top of as we approach winter:- Protect your plants – lift half hardy perennials and pot them up and put them in the greenhouse. Lift Dahlia tubers once the foliage is blackened by the first frost, dry them off and store them for next year. Lift and […]
September’s plant of the month
September’s plant of the month is Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’. This is a fabulous plant for brightening up the garden in early autumn. It grows in sun or shade with an abundance of elegant, cup-shaped, white flowers on tall stems. It flowers from August to October. The leaves are dark green and semi-evergreen. Best […]
What to do in your garden in September
We are nearing the end of the growing season but there are still lots of jobs to do in the garden – harvesting crops and preparing for next year. The 10 top jobs for September are:- – Lifting and dividing herbaceous perennials. They can be replanted somewhere else in your own garden or given away to […]
What to do in your garden in November
It’s November! Here are some gardening jobs for the month:- – Plant bare root roses, trees and hedging (much cheaper than their potted equivalent); – Plant strawberry runners in containers and baskets to overwinter for next year; – Sow micro salad leaves for germinating on the window sill; – Harvest autumn fruit raspberries; – Plant […]